Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Where are they now?
(Glory-Day Ramblings, so if you aren’t on the list and get irritated when people make obscure inside jokes you might not appreciate the post).

(make sure and check out the "comments" at the bottome of this post. I started laughing so loud the people in my office wondered what was going on. Laren mentioned some of his memories, I hope the rest of you do the same.)

I had the best group of friends in grade school/high school/early college that I have ever known anyone to have. I thought I’d review what we are all doing nowadays. If you’re a high school friend of mine and your not on here, it’s probably because I don’t what you are doing. Leave me a comment and let me know.

I’m going to put 1) the nickname, 2) what they are doing now, and 3) a reference to a memory.

If I got your information wrong or you don’t want your name on the internet let me know. If I messed up on a name or occupation let me know too. It would be typical for me to do something like spell someone's name wrong.

Shane Hayes
1) “Mr. Ed” – (don’t ask where that came from, you can’t handle the truth.)
2) finished college and runs a Hunt’n’Biz business; Hunter extraordinaire. Mission: Tennessee.
3) bootleg fireworks entrepreneur (it was “highly” illegal); and no, Shane, I didn’t hold your girlfriend’s hand in the back of your car . . . or did I? And I'm the one who shot the pheasant!

Garth Steed
1) W.E.S., Mango
2) owns his own farm; kills not-so-innocent rabbits and coyotes. Mission: Vacaville California.
3) oh, the blood of so many pumpkins is on our hands! Can’t . . . get . . . them . . . clean. Garth did the over-the-head, behind-the-back pass that let me get a dunk at the end of a tournament basketball game.

Laren Boyce
1) Aircraft – (ask him where he got that name)
2) travels to places like China to find the right kind of packaging material for his company; golf, tans (Shane would call him a metrosexual, and he would be right in the best sense of the word.) Mission: Oakland, California (Cantonese & Mandarin speaking).
3) “funny you should ask,” One, one good friend, ah, ah, ah, ah. "Thank you officer, may I have another?"

Justin Pabst
1) nicknames based on “Pabst” beer, which is odd since none of us drank. Or “Justine,” which wasn’t really funny either. I bet Terran or someone has a better nickname for him.
2) runs his own stucco-kind of business (Stylo Wall Systems) and he is honestly a master at his craft. His work is extremely high-end; plays when his wife thinks he’s working. Mission: Denmark.
3) thank God we didn’t kill anybody with that brilliant toilet-paper-across-the-road-prank! Talked me into leaving my car in an obvious place when we tried to toilet-paper Erica’s house again, which led to the car chase. How we didn’t kill ourselves and everyone around us I’ll never know. “Just a minute, I need to take a shower first” meant “It’ll be a couple of hours yet, so get comfortable” in Justin-speak.

(Those toilet papering incidents deserve their own blog!)

John Radford
1) I don’t remember what we called him, probably something based on his red hair
2) I think he manages a Barnes and Noble in the Tri-Cities area in Washington State. Mission: Michigan.
3) um, remember when I drove your motorcycle in the canal? Sorry about that.

Rhett Lee
2) Owns a framing company (RNL Builders?) in Utah County. Mission: Argentina, Bia Blanca.
3) Rhett was a childhood friend of the quality they make movies about. His parents thought I was a bad influence, and they were probably right. We owned Menan through grade school. Remember when the bus drive pulled over and shook a stick at us? Quote from hunter’s education class: Teacher: “Now guns are . . . “ Rhett: “fun to use, fun to use!”

Layne Taylor
2) I think he teaches Ag somewhere . . . let’s see, last I heard it was in Colorado I think. Mission: can't remember -- someone remind me.
3) I remember having a lot of fun with Layne. I can’t remember anything extra funny or traumatic.

Matt Hancock
2) He is a Social Worker. I think he is a School Social Worker or School Counselor in Eastern Idaho. Mission: Mexico (Mexico City?).
3) I’m sure we did plenty of deviant things in scouts. Repressed memories . . . beginning . . . to surface. Oh yeah, he about killed me racing his old white truck. Well, he just turned off the engine when it kept accelerating. I would have panicked and rolled the truck or something.

Terran Lohman

2) He is a Parmedic?/Fire Fighter in Montana. (Is this you you in the blue hat?) He is the only one who can beat my work stories (like the one where they had to do a jaws-of-life thing to get a 400 lb. man out of his home). Mission: Sao Paulo Brazil.
3) “I’m going back to Idaho, to Idaho, to Idaho, to get some spuds,” or “down, double D, double down, double trouble, double rubble . . .” I failed you, Terran. I should have blocked the shot you put in the wrong basket back in Junior High. Fumes from Fresh Pack made it so I couldn't think straight.

Russ Tibbits
1) Tibbie
2) Just moved to Morgan, Utah to teach Seminary. Mission: Argentina, Mendoza.
3) just how many Chevettes did that guy own? And did any of the seat-backs work?

Mitch Jephson
1) Lightning Boy
2) He is a Chiropractor in Rigby, Idaho. Mission: Phillipines.
3) Mitch is probably the one that came up with most of the nicknames for the rest of us that actually stuck. He and John and I used to be in scout together. When camping once he was holding on to a fallen tree, around the stump that was too big for his arms to reach around, and was about to fall into the Snake River by the Twin Bridges campground. John and I were laughing so hard we couldn’t pull him up. He was laughing too.

Mike Hinds (me)
1) Mike D., after the Beastie Boys guy.
2) I’m a Marriage and Family Therapist in Logan, Utah. Mission: Taiwan, Taichung.
3) There was that one time we went to that one place . . . whew! Good times.

Between us we speak seven languages (Cantonese, Dutch, Spanish, English, Mandarin, Portuguese, and Mitch speaks some Filipino language – maybe Tagolog?). We ended up a pretty diverse bunch. Not bad for a bunch of rural Rigby kids. Again, as I review this list I’m amazed what good people I had as friends. Any one of these people is someone you could trust your life with (um, except Justin – see above).


Dread Pendragon said...
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Dread Pendragon said...

Hey guys, I left out a couple of nicknames on purpose. If it isn't your own nickname be prudent about adding it here. Be sure the person wouldn't rather it be left in the past.

(And don't pretend like you don't like the "Mr. Ed" notoriety, Shane. Would that I had a nickname denoting that characteristic.)

Dread Pendragon said...

Oh yeah, we called Mitch "Wiggins." Where did that come from?

Dread Pendragon said...

To make sure I don't get spam comments, you have to type in those letters to the right in the "word verification" box before you publish your comments.

Anonymous said...

Yeah verily I give unto you hay that you may remember the goodliest of nicknames. Yeah a nickname that causes even the clydesdales, of budweiserm panic!!

Dread Pendragon said...


Anonymous said...

I can't believe you left out the experience of drivers ed with Matt and I. I actually had forgotten about it until now. Maybe it is something that you have tried to put behind you since most of our laughter was at your expense.

Wiggins came from the Houston Rockets shooting guard "Mitchell Wiggins" from 84-91. He specialized in steals and offensive rebounds.

Dread Pendragon said...

Specialized in steals? Yeah, that sounds like Mitch.

Driver's ed? *eye twitches* Yeah, I think I rememb . . . I've got to go to my happy place now.

Anonymous said...

After reading through this, a flood of thoughts have come out about everyone.

Shane.... Thomas Jefferson on my crotch.

Garth.... Good honk Garth (four foot scratch)

Justin.... The showers. Seriously, what are you washing for that long.

John.... I was sent in to be your hit man against Skyline.

Rhett.... I still have a scar on my wrist from the sledding incident.

Layne.... I almost went through the windshield of a jeep wagoneer when we were about 5.

Matt.... Seriously dude.. sorry about the rock. I had no idea I would hit you in the head with it.

Terran.... My favorite. "let me guess, there was a big dog."

Russ... I could go on for hours with a big smile on my face.. but I will just settle for the time he left his car at my house and forgot for like a week or the time his bike was stolen on campus or the burnt tube sock incident (national spelling bee champ) or your a miracle or pear juice or have you seen my backpack.

Mitch.... Falling into the river on the Teton Narrows, but most famously... Don't worry about it, it's on Dick.

Mike.... KA7SXY this is KA7SX-ED. Drivers ed has to be near the top. Matt and I honking the horn until Mr Schell finally came out or the day we were learning how to drive a stick shift on hills. Sorry man, I am sure it still hurts... but if not for friends...

Dread Pendragon said...

Russ gave me corrections. I am shamed. Keep the corrections coming.

Dread Pendragon said...

Oh yeah, did he think it was me honking? I certainly remember killing it, what, at least once or twice, *ahem*.

I remember the old peanut shells and apple cores that had been sucked on, but were to be sucked on again. Didn't his wife give us gross cookies? I think I tossed mine and you guys had to eat yours. Am I remembering right?

Anonymous said...

Yes you got chewed out for not letting a man do his business in peace even though it was Matt and I who were doing all of the honking. And yes you killed it at least 2 times (wink, wink). I promise we were trying not to laugh but it was too much to take. I have only seen you that pissed off twice. Then and the day you hit me playing basketball in the old Jr High. It has been torn down by the way.

As memory serves me, I was only one who had to eat the cookie. You and Matt tossed them out as soon as he got in the car. They were wretched.

Dread Pendragon said...

It's funny, I don't remember being mad, although I'm sure I was. It's just a funny memory now.

I almost mentioned in the post the swing I took at you in Junior High. I was going to say "lucky I did that or we might not have become friends," and "lucky me you didn't fight back, I wasn't exactly a Bruce Lee in fighting skills."

Anonymous said...

I was a jerk and deserved it. I really don't remember how I reacted to it. It is funny to look back at stuff and see how things that happened so long ago have had a lasting impact on our lives.

Dread Pendragon said...

It's all good. I'm sure it was something trivial.

I have been thinking about your last comment lately, about how such small thinks have a lasting impact. What has made me think of his is watching my girls in their friendships. At first glance it seems like it hardly matters who their friends are this young, then I remember how influenced I was by my friends. As kids we take seriously our interactions with others just as much as we do now as adults.

Anonymous said...

Man or the time garth had to walk home on the riverbottoms with killer moose in the middle of Nov, while Brandon Larsen and myself sipped hot chocolate for a couple of hours!! Laren I will forever be grateful to you for teaching me the "menan shuffle" or victory lap around many a gym in southeast Idaho!! Mike remember the 3 car race down highway 48 with mitch on curves no less???? Ahhh the monte and other lesser cars were no match for the "pooner schooner" or cougar as she was known to you all!

Anonymous said...

Laren i will respond to you as soon as i get out of the shower.

Anonymous said...

Great glory days. I will have to add a few of my memories to the collection.
I won't name names, but a few of you are excellent shower soap hockey players.

Garth had an awesome car too. The Aspen was great for conducting Microbiology and Science projects. Hostess fruit pies, 2" thick buttered bread slices, and half eaten donuts stashed under the seats for months can produce a lot of penicillin.

Some people I know liked to serve "salty" Mountain Dew to unsuspecting scouts and scout masters.

One scout I know stole some cigs from Grandpa while the other scout attempted to dislocate his jaw and ruin his lungs while attempting to smoke more than 20 at one time. Awesome!!!

Dread Pendragon said...

See, one comment about "it's on Dick" and all the secrects start coming out. Touche Mitch. We had it coming :)

Anonymous said...

Ok I read these and was laughing so hard I cried.

Mitch.... Mitch loves bookoo tomatoes. We didn't do anything in English except use up about 25 trees worth of paper making upsigns. Also if memory serves someone peed in the ice machine at our hotel in Boise causing 3/4 of the band to be sick the next day.

Mitch also "jucy fruit" with Veldon before our missions.

Mike D was left wandering in a state of fear during one of many failed toiletpapering incidents at Berquists.

Shane has too many. 120 in the quantum on the way to California and 12 on the way back through Oregon. The basketball game we went to where we had to make a few pit stops. "Turn the pizza off"

Justin the City of Idaho Falls just called and they want their water back. Justin is probably only 5'8" and 170 dry but who will ever know. Also Justin walked about 50 yards through an arcing electrical fence in pitch black while toiletpapering Joseph Rhodes.

Laren. I can't believe you remembered the license plates and call signs of Mr. Shell. The cookies were the worst. Laren threw a bottle at the garbage can in Jr. high and missed causing me to get stitches in my leg.

Russ. At greencanyon swimming where he thought he could show the world or at least all the girls how well the zipper worked on his cut off shorts. (no underware?)

Mitch also threw about 50 lbs of beans in my front yard. Most of the leftovers in the Dodge aspen were probably left there by Mitch.
Also along with Laren's " man that water looks cold"

Dread Pendragon said...

"Mike D was left wandering in a state of fear during one of many failed toiletpapering incidents at Berquists."

Dagnabit, there was a pack of wild dogs hunting me! The better part of the story is the high-speed car chase without lights through the stop sign and behind Garth's haystack. Her dad saw the 1M plates and asked Erika who she knew from Rexburg who would do that. The next school day she asks me, "Why did you dump trash all over my lawn?" (Which reminds me, what was our nickname for Travis Williams? "Little Sh%#" or something like that?)

Anonymous said...

Garth how the time has made your head fuzzy!!!!!! There were deer on that road in Oregon, just like rabbits at mud lake!!!!! What we really need to be talking about is "Thank you sir may I have another???", Or I saw em but didn't talk to em!!! Are you guys playing Ninetendo????? I could go on and on like the death march in Fall creek with Laren, and yourself fishing. Mitch, Remember eating some chicks doritos in the broulim's van???? Oh wait that was me going through everybody's stuff.

Anonymous said...

I don't remember any deer on that road in Oregon but do remember a certain horse that left some tracks on the side of the road. I think DNA testing could probably confirm who it was. I used to have the pictures to prove it but gave them to the suspect a long time ago.

Garth should remember the rattlesnake that was going to bite him on the ass in the narrows, but alas, it was just the tub of sinkers rattling between his legs.

Another thing I want to know is who steals the centerfold out of the playboy at the convenience store, brings it back to the hotel, burns it up, then goes back to the same store and buys the magazine without the centerfold in it. All of this and making the band sick in one night.

Speaking of Erika, I think I saw her at the Hogel Zoo last weekend. But me being the friendly outgoing one, decided to just wonder the rest of the day if it was her. I am 90% sure it was but will never know for sure.

Anonymous said...

Just break the YOLK!!!!!!! now we have a new Ice breaker, remember when, Oh wait i forgot all of your collective memories went out the window at 30, so I must be the link to past present and future. Come on guys we have more experiences than this!!